Studies on the Ecology of Drama
2014 | 25 min 40 sec | 4-channel projected installation | 16:9 | Audio 5.0 | Original language Finnish, English subtitles
"How to depict living things? How to approach them? How to convey a different way of being, another being's world? How to make it into a continuous event that becomes part of our idea of reality?”
STUDIES ON THE ECOLOGY OF DRAMA is a 25-minute projected moving image installation that uses the methods of presentation as a path to the company of other living beings. It expands upon the issues of ecological moving image narrative explored in two previous works (The Annunciation 2010, Horizontal 2011) – the focus in this work being on presentation, imaging and imagination in the context of the moving image.
The work begins with a human actor walking into a forest park, where she introduces the themes of the work by conducting reduction exercises with the surroundings. Other performers in the work include a bush, a juniper tree, a common swift, a horse, a brimstone butterfly, and a group of human acrobats.
Making the ecology of drama visible requires the establishment of a reflexive distance and a representational dimension whereby the processes of technological recording and the expressive devices of the moving image can be made perceivable. One of the methods in this work is to use a form of expression that forefronts presentation, mediation as well as visual recording and its function in our reality.
Full Synopsis